
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Newly Organized Cotton Swabs

For the past three birthdays, my mom has given me a year subscription to Martha Stewart’s magazine Living.   Usually, I get most of my information (news, recipes, organizational and decorating ideas) from the internet.  But nothing can replace the magazine experience – from finding it in the mailbox to turning the glossy pages to passing it along to someone else.   I make a point of doing at least one thing from each issue whether it is trying a recipe or craft or following some quip of advice. 

This month, an organizational idea caught my eye.  For one thing, it made cotton balls and q-tip easily accessible.  For another thing, it used glassware.   When you get married in the South and invite 700 people, you end up with a lot of glassware and crystal.  I am thankful for all my pretty things, but until I have a tea party for 1000 people most of it goes unused.

Living said to use a wide mouth decanter and a shallow glass.  I don’t have a wide mouth decanter (although I have five gorgeous cream pitchers and five precious, little sugar bowls!) so I used a vase and a little bowl that fit well in the top.  Fill the vase (decanter, tall thing) with cotton balls.  Fill the bowl (glass, short thing) with q-tips.  Place q-tip container into the top of the cotton ball container.   Ta-da!

I was so inspired by my newly organized cotton swabs that I rearranged the whole bathroom.   What is it about one little change that makes you start rooting around in closets and the attic for more changes?  Matt came out from washing his hands and said, “Liz, you made that bathroom look amazing!”  And that (because I don’t really care for cherries, and this is the South) was just the honey on top


  1. Is does look good! I saw this idea in the magazine and thought that it looked cool...but didn't do anything about it!

    1. Thank you! There are so many good ideas in the magazine. Choosing one thing from each issue keeps me from getting overwhelmed. Now I need to find a similar strategy for Pinterest!

  2. I love that idea--I may do that this summer when we finally rip apart and redo our horrible bath. And I agree--there is nothing better than curling up with some tea and the latest magazine for a couple quiet minutes!

    1. I love it too. Once your bathroom is the way you want it, I'm sure you too have plenty of glassware to work with!


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