
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Life Lately

I didn't have to work today.  I always end up washing a lot of dishes on my days off, and today was no exception.  It started with the bundt pan for roast chicken at 9:30 this morning and ended with the bundt pan for banana cake cake at 9:30 tonight.  My day of dishes has come full circle.

In case you're wondering, I did not eat roast chicken at 9:30 this morning.  At least, I didn't intend to when I roasted it.  I wanted to roast a chicken to shred for some meals this week, and decided to try out a method for roasting that Jennifer had sent me last week.  When I saw that crispy skin, I couldn't resist cutting off pieces and eating them with my toast and coffee.  Possibly the weirdest and best breakfast I've ever had.

In spite of my snacking, I ended up with three bags of chicken for this week.

Chicken for chicken and biscuit casserole, chicken quesadillas and this bbq chicken quinoa salad I'm obsessing over right now. I used the carcass to make broth.  It was a good excuse to use the wilted celery and sad looking leeks in my produce drawer.

I am pretty excited to try this roasting method again - but with vegetables and to eat for dinner.  Have any of you roasted a chicken in a bundt pan before?

Thank you for all the encouragement after my last post.  The house is feeling more like home. My cousin Laurie (cousin by marriage - but I totally claim her) gave me some really good advice my first week here.  She said, "Remember in Night at the Museum how chaotic everything was on the first night?  And then at the end of the movie he's just saying goodnight to everyone and everything is calm?  Pretty soon, this will all seem normal, just like in Night at the Museum."  I don't think I'm quite to the end of my movie yet, but I am certainly more comfortable with Teddy Roosevelt and Sacajawea than I was four months ago.  Today I unpacked my last box.  Hooray!  I didn't realize how much that would go towards making me feel settled.

I took advantage of the sunny weekend to take a photo tour of the house.  I'll share that on here soon!

In the meantime, here is a picture of some new additions at the farm:

I call the lamb Sacajawea.  And I tell her goodnight every night.


  1. I'm thinking yours would be more like "Night at the Zoo" rather than "Night at the Museum"

  2. <3 Yay on the final box! I am glad that you are learning your new normal. I can't wait to see you this summer, hopefully! Tell Sacajawea "good night" from the Priests tonight! :)

  3. Great idea to roast a chicken for meals for the week - I will have to remember that. And, no, I haven't used a bundt pan before, but that's pretty clever.
    Love your new farm animals.


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