
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Then There's a Pair of Us

Chairs by Hazelnuts

I'm nobody! Who are you?

Are you nobody, too?

Then there's a pair of us — don't tell!

They'd banish us, you know.

How dreary to be somebody!

How public, like a frog

To tell your name the livelong day

To an admiring bog!

- Emily Dickinson

My friend Charis likes to change the end of this poem to "To tell your name the livelong day/To an admiring blog." A pun that always makes me smile.

Here are some of my favorite frogs on the world wide bog:

I have every intention of posting my review of Carolyn Weber's Surprised by Oxford.  I'm working on finding the words to describe how it caused my breath to catch in my throat and my eyes to fill up with tears while I laughed out loud.  In the meantime, let me just reccomend you visit her website.  She writes beautifully and knowledgeably (two traits that don't always go hand-in-hand) about faith and literature.  I especially recommend her post on the Bible and this moving piece on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

Jenn at Cooking Counts has been blogging for one month and already has an impressive recipe index.  She cooks meals that are 500 calories or less per serving every night and blogs about them.  I can't wait to try her recipe for slow-cooker chicken taco chili (slow cooker recipe without cream soup - sign me up!) and her spinach lasagna roll-ups.  I especially appreciate how she suggests what ingredients to use to get the most nutrition from your meal. 
Chicken Taco Chili

Another new blogger, Charis (who also rewrites Emily Dickinson) refinishes new furniture.  I always look forward to seeing what she's done.  I lack a good eye for picking through worn things and bringing out the beauty underneath.  But Charis gets some stunning results.  For those of us in upstate South Carolina, all her furniture is for sale.  I especially liked her vintage writing armchair and these blue dining room chairs.

The Wednesday Chef
What can I say about Luisa at The Wednesday Chef that hasn't already been said?  Let me just add that she has become my first go-to for recipes.  She has redefined how I see potato salad (one time I misread a lable and made this with strawberry yogurt.  I do not reccomend this approach), weeknight pasta, and cheesecake

picture from Cooking Counts

These are just four of the many blogs that encourage and inspire me.  I will be sharing more.
Hope everyone is doing well!  What are some of your favorite bogs blogs (besides mine, of course? croak. croak).


  1. For Easter it has been requested that I make a cheesecake. I might have to harass you for some pointers on how to make your favorite.

    1. I take Luisa's advice and use a graham cracker curst and omit the sour cream topping. Not only was it the first success I ever had making cheesecake, it's the best I've ever tasted. Let me know how it turns out.

  2. I am currently reading "Surprised by Oxford." :) Thanks for the blog recommendations!

    1. I'd love to hear what you think when you finish "Surprised by Oxford." I found it encouraging and thought-provoking, and I hope you do too.

  3. Thanks for the recommendations! I have subscribed to Pressing Save and can't wait to read over the series on Reading Dead People.

    1. I hope you enjoy that series as much as I did! Let me know which ones are your favorites.

  4. For fun reading, cooking, and photography tips, I read http://thepioneerwoman.com . For a very poetic look at life, I read http://www.aholyexperience.com/. For a challenge to my heart and mind, I read http://www.theologyforwomen.org/. For interesting female conservative political issues, I read http://www.pottytrainingandpolitics.com/. I read quite a few others which are theology related. And yours of course! I will look into the ones you posted.

    1. The Pioneer Woman always makes me smile and her photos are beautiful. I've only tried one of her recipes, but it was great! I don't know any of those other ones, but I can't wait to add them to my feed. Thanks, Laurie. Hope we see you this summer!


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